By this stage of the year you’ve probably forsaken your well intentioned New Year resolutions, but what about business goals for the year?More stressbusting advice from Heather at her site here.
One of the most powerful tools to keep us on track with our business goals is an accountability buddy, someone to cheerlead and give us the proverbial kick up the behind when required. But being a shedworker traditionally means you’re more of a loner who doesn’t have a posse of office colleagues on hand with the motivation when most needed.
Fear not. Get online and find an accountability partner. Useful people could be forum buddies, former colleagues, members of networking groups (on and off line) or Twitter and Facebook friends. Anyone who has a business goal themselves and is willing to check in with you on a regular basis can be your accountability buddy.
Simply break down your goal into manageable steps - set your task for the week, share it with your accountability buddy and off you go. Checking in on a daily or weekly basis to see how you’re getting on. There’s nothing like not wanting to lose face to give us some motivation.
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