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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Indoor meditation hut

A marvellous addition to the interior shedworking collection, this is an indoor meditation shed and tearoom designed and built by Toshi Kasai for teacher of feng shui Chinese medicine Liu Ming. It's an eight-foot cube erected in his loft in which he eats, sleeps and works. Here's what he told the New York Times about it:
“In feng shui, we talk about the harmony in the place that you live in,” Mr. Liu says. “The cube evolved out of wanting cozy with the option of keeping a big, open space at the same time. And we added wheels for feng shui purposes. Now that it is portable, I can spin it on an axis, I can point my head and point my desk in different compass directions for different projects. If I am writing something and feel blocked, I can get up and move the room.”
Lots more information and photos at Kasai's Spaceflavor website.
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