hostgator coupons BATAS: In today's mail ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In today's mail ...

We received a letter today from Abbey, a lovely young lady in our parish who has discerned a vocation to religious life. The part I want to share with you is the accompanying letter from the Laboure Society whose mission is to foster "priestly and religious vocations through student loan resolution."

It is said that 1 out of every 2 Aspirants is prevented from entering formation because of student loans. Without assistance, these vocations of whole-hearted and free love and service are delayed for many years - even abandoned. Can our world afford to lose the goodness of these modern day saints?

The Laboure Society has assisted over 200 men and women into formation as a result of the generosity of God's Holy people: 45 to the priesthood, 141 as religious sisters and 23 as religious brothers. There are currently 60 qualified Aspirants in our portfolio and we need your help! [...]

Please join this important work through your prayers and financially.
If you're interested in learning more, go to their site (still under construction, but there is contact information) or watch the video interview with their founder below.